Wednesday Aug 23, 2023 Thursday Sep 21, 2023
It’s back-to-school time in Northern Colorado! That means we are all working to get students prepared for another school year. Many local students need more than standard school supplies–notebooks, #2 pencils, and binders–to be successful at school. Mentoring can help fill the social-emotional gaps some students face in the academic setting, as mentors provide them with additional support, advocacy, and companionship.
To help us provide mentors to the students enrolled in our mentoring program, Partners is currently running a Back-to-School Mentor Drive! Mentors are volunteers who dedicate one hour per week to meeting with their mentee at their school throughout the school year. Mentoring partnerships do all sorts of activities together–playing sports on the playground, making crafts in the art room, working on school in the library. This volunteer role offers a lot of flexibility, and Partners provides training and on-going support to ensure volunteers are successful as mentors.
Make a big impact in Partners’ proven mentoring program. We are currently seeking volunteers in Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, and Estes Park. If you are interested in learning more:
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Estes Chamber of Commerce for more information.
PO Box 2376, Estes Park, CO 80517 – 970-480-7552 –