2024 Coolest Dog Contest 4.30.24
Join us for Yappy Hour at Avant Garde from 5-6 pm on April 11th and 30th
Just $10 to enter your dog.
Just $1 to vote!
Contact Information
Colleen DePasquale
Send Email

Do you have the coolest dog in Estes Park? Let’s find out.
- Enroll your pup in one of two categories.
- Share your dog's page any way you can.
- Bring your dog to our Yappy Hours at Avant Garde (4/11 and 4/30)
- Dogs with the most votes in each category by April 30th wins.
- Top three winners in each category get their dog on a beer or wine label
Check out the competition: https://www.gogophotocontest.com/epcoolestdog!