Spoon River Anthology

Date and Time
Saturday Nov 9, 2024
7:00 PM - 8:45 PM MST
Hempel Auditorium
515 Association Dr.
Adults: $22 Advanced Sales online or at MacDonald Book Shop, $25 at the door
Youth 6-18: $15
6 and Under FREE (though this production would not appeal to children that young)
A Reader's Theater adaptation of Edgar Lee Masters' Spoon River Anthology, this beautifully haunting play based on the former residents of Spoon River examine life and the longing for what might have been. As the citizens reflect on the dreams, secrets, and regrets of their lives, they paint a gritty and honest portrait of the town as all of their pasts are illuminated. (Though there is no inappropriate content, the subject matter might be most appealing and engaging for ages 12+)
Starring: Lars Sage, Rik Forschmiedt, Sherry Unruh, and Kathy Littlejohn
Adults: $22 Advanced Sales online or at MacDonald Book Shop, $25 at the door
Youth 6-18: $15
6 and Under FREE (though this production would not appeal to children that young)